Sunshine and I were able to take a nice vacation to Alaska. More details later, first I wanted to share the site and the amazement I felt when learning about the Salmon. The Pacific Northwest is known for salmon. This year I am sure was no different than previous years. The Salmon Run was almost […]
Author: tronsternet
Throwback Tuesday
The Republic of Zambia is a land locked nation in southern Africa. The capital city is Lusaka. I know what your thinking, I can’t believe I am learning something new during the A to Z challenge of 2013. Regardless, my travels to Lusaka included a trip to a near by lodge to have a day […]
Adventures at Home
Tronster is happily married to a beautiful and sociable partner. With the pandemic restrictions easing up, their family is now able to visit and host parties again. Parties and gatherings are a great way to stay connected with loved ones. Sunshine and I also enjoy hosting a few parties every year, but planning and coordinating […]
First Ever How to Video
“I want to share how I fixed a squeaky door hinge and provide you with additional information and the basic steps to follow. As an Amazon affiliate, I may earn a small commission if you click on any of the links from the site. So feel free to click away and thank you for your […]
Adventure in Alaska
Ketchacan Alaska Turning 50 is no joke. I turned 50 this year and wanted a special birthday celebration. So Sunshine and I took an Alaska Cruise, through the inside passage. One stop was Ketchikan. The inside passage cruises seem to end in early to mid-September. So the end of August, which coincidently matches my birthday, […]