
Colmar France

A few years back, my smoking-hot wife and I were able to take a little trip to Europe. We visited friends and shared a lot of great memories. One of the places we were able to visit was Comlar Franc Colmar Apparently, it is the third largest commune in the Alsace Region of northeastern France. […]

Salmon Run

Sunshine and I were able to take a nice vacation to Alaska.  More details later, first I wanted to share the site and the amazement I felt when learning about the Salmon. The Pacific Northwest is known for salmon.  This year I am sure was no different than previous years.  The Salmon Run was almost […]

Throwback Tuesday

The Republic of Zambia is a land locked nation in southern Africa.  The capital city  is Lusaka.  I know what your thinking, I can’t believe I am learning something new during the A to Z challenge of 2013.  Regardless, my travels to Lusaka included a trip to a near by lodge to have a day […]

Adventures at Home

Tronster is happily married to a beautiful and sociable partner. With the pandemic restrictions easing up, their family is now able to visit and host parties again. Parties and gatherings are a great way to stay connected with loved ones. Sunshine and I also enjoy hosting a few parties every year, but planning and coordinating […]

First Ever How to Video

“I want to share how I fixed a squeaky door hinge and provide you with additional information and the basic steps to follow. As an Amazon affiliate, I may earn a small commission if you click on any of the links from the site. So feel free to click away and thank you for your […]

New Year, New Look

“TronserNet” has recently undergone a makeover. As I’m nearing my twentieth year of blogging, I decided it was time for a fresh new look. All my previous posts will still be available on my Blogspot page, but this updated version is the new and improved blog.. What is new? I now share not only words, […]

Adventure in Alaska

Ketchacan Alaska Turning 50 is no joke. I turned 50 this year and wanted a special birthday celebration. So Sunshine and I took an Alaska Cruise, through the inside passage. One stop was Ketchikan. The inside passage cruises seem to end in early to mid-September. So the end of August, which coincidently matches my birthday, […]